Trim Season

Trim Season Release Date, Cast, Genre, Trailer And More

Horror fans, mark your calendars! The highly anticipated movie ‘Trim Season’ is set to hit select theaters on June 7, 2024. Directed by Ariel Vida, known for her work on ‘Vide Noir’, this cannabis-laced nightmare follows a group of young people who take a job at a remote marijuana farm, hoping to make some quick cash. But they soon discover the location harbors dark secrets, turning their summer gig into a deadly fight for survival.

Release Date

Mark your calendars because “Trim Season” slashes its way into select theaters and VOD platforms on June 7th, 2024. Will they survive the harvest, or become the next crop to be cut down?


The movie features a talented ensemble cast, Let’s Check them out:

  • Alex Essoe
  • Ally Ioannides
  • Bethlehem Million
  • Ryan Donowho
  • Cory Hart
  • Jane Badler
  • Marc Senter
  • Jon Dehaan
  • Juliette Kenn De Balinthazy


‘Trim Season’ is an unrated horror film that blends elements of psychological terror with the eerie atmosphere of an isolated marijuana farm.


“Trim Season” delivers a satisfying runtime. Clocking in at a tight 1 hour and 40 minutes (100 minutes), the film avoids unnecessary filler and keeps the tension high throughout.


A group of friends, including protagonist Emma, take a summer job at a secluded Northern California marijuana farm, hoping to earn some easy money. However, they quickly realize something is terribly wrong at the farm. As they uncover the location’s sinister secrets, the friends find themselves in a desperate race against time to escape the dense woods with their lives.

The stylized horror film promises to explore themes of power, agency, friendship and loss as the characters navigate the nightmarish situation they’ve stumbled into.


An unrated trailer for ‘Trim Season’ has been released, teasing the movie’s unsettling tone and the horrors that await the unlucky group at the marijuana farm. The trailer provides a tantalizing glimpse into the terror-filled world Vida has crafted.

Behind the Scenes

‘Trim Season’ is the brainchild of director Ariel Vida, who also co-wrote the screenplay with newcomer Joss Moreno. Vida, known for her visually stunning and atmospheric work on the indie horror hit ‘Vide Noir,’ brings her unique style to this unsettling tale.

In an interview, Vida expressed her excitement about the project, stating, “I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of taking a seemingly mundane situation and twisting it into something terrifying. With ‘Trim Season,’ we explore what happens when a summer job turns into a nightmare, and how far people will go to survive.”

The movie was shot on location in Northern California, utilizing the region’s lush, dense forests to create an atmosphere of isolation and dread. The production team worked closely with local marijuana farmers to ensure an authentic portrayal of the setting and the workings of a cannabis farm.

Marketing Campaign

As part of the movie’s marketing campaign, the producers have launched an interactive website that allows visitors to explore the mysterious marijuana farm at the center of ‘Trim Season.’ The site features hidden clues, behind-the-scenes footage, and a series of unsettling videos that hint at the horrors to come.

Anticipation Builds

Horror fans and industry insiders alike are eagerly anticipating ‘Trim Season’s’ release. With its unique premise, talented creative team, and promise of psychological thrills, the movie has the potential to become a standout in the genre.

As the release date approaches, expect to see more tantalizing glimpses into the world of ‘Trim Season,’ building the hype for what could be one of the most terrifying cinematic experiences of 2024.


With its unique setting, psychological horror elements, and Vida’s directorial vision, ‘Trim Season’ looks to be a fresh and frightening addition to the genre. Horror enthusiasts seeking a new twist on the classic “cabin in the woods” scenario will want to keep an eye out for this promising film’s theatrical release next summer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is ‘Trim Season’ based on a true story?

No, ‘Trim Season’ is a work of fiction.

Will ‘Trim Season’ be released on streaming platforms?

Details about a streaming release have not been announced yet. For now, the movie is slated for a theatrical run.

Is ‘Trim Season’ rated?

No, the movie is currently unrated. The trailer is labeled as an “unrated” preview.

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