Princess Charm School

Barbie: Princess Charm School Movie Review

“Barbie: Princess Charm School” is a 2011 animated fantasy film that transports viewers into a world of royalty, magic, and self-discovery. Directed by Ezekiel Norton, this film is part of the beloved Barbie movie series and features Barbie as Blair Willows, an ordinary girl who discovers she has a royal destiny. This review will delve into the plot, characters, animation, music, themes, and overall impact of the movie, providing a thorough analysis to help you decide if this film is worth watching.

Plot Summary

The story begins with Blair Willows, a kind-hearted and hardworking girl who lives with her mother and younger sister. Blair’s life takes an unexpected turn when she wins a lottery to attend the prestigious Princess Charm School, a place where young ladies are trained to become princesses or royal advisors.

Upon arriving at the school, Blair befriends her roommates, Isla and Hadley, and quickly realizes that she does not fit in with the other students who come from noble backgrounds. Despite this, Blair’s determination and positive attitude help her navigate the challenges of the school.

As the story unfolds, Blair discovers that she bears a striking resemblance to the kingdom’s missing princess, Sophia. With the help of her friends and a magical assistant named Grace, Blair uncovers a conspiracy led by the school’s headmistress, Dame Devin, who seeks to prevent Blair from claiming her rightful place as the princess.

The film culminates in a dramatic showdown where Blair must prove her true identity and restore justice to the kingdom.


Blair Willows

Blair is the protagonist of the film. She is portrayed as kind, humble, and resilient. Her journey from an ordinary girl to discovering her royal heritage highlights her inner strength and determination.

Isla and Hadley

Isla and Hadley are Blair’s loyal roommates and friends. Isla is tech-savvy and inventive, while Hadley is athletic and adventurous. Their unwavering support and unique skills play a crucial role in helping Blair uncover the truth.


Grace is a magical assistant who guides Blair through her journey at Princess Charm School. Her wisdom and magical abilities provide valuable support to Blair and her friends.

Dame Devin

Dame Devin is the antagonist of the film. As the headmistress of Princess Charm School, she is determined to prevent Blair from discovering her true identity. Her ambition and deceit drive the conflict in the story.

Delancy Devin

Delancy is Dame Devin’s daughter and initially appears as Blair’s rival. However, her character undergoes significant growth as she learns the value of honesty and friendship.

Animation and Visuals

“Barbie: Princess Charm School” features vibrant and colorful animation that brings the enchanting world of royalty to life. The character designs are detailed and expressive, capturing the unique personalities of each character. The intricate backgrounds of the school, the dazzling royal outfits, and the magical effects add depth and richness to the visual storytelling. The animation effectively conveys the fantastical elements of the story, making it a visual delight for viewers.

Music and Songs

The film features a captivating musical score that enhances the magical atmosphere of the story. The songs are catchy and memorable, with lyrics that reflect the emotions and themes of the movie. Notable tracks like “You Can Tell She’s a Princess” and “We Rule This School” are not only entertaining but also serve to advance the plot and develop the characters. The music is well-composed and adds a layer of enchantment to the overall viewing experience.

Themes and Messages

Self-Discovery and Identity

One of the central themes of the movie is self-discovery and identity. Blair’s journey to uncover her royal heritage and embrace her true self is a powerful message for viewers. The film encourages embracing one’s unique qualities and understanding that true royalty comes from within.

Friendship and Loyalty

The movie also explores the theme of friendship and loyalty. Blair’s bond with Isla and Hadley highlights the importance of supportive relationships and teamwork. Their unwavering support and trust in each other emphasize the value of true friendship.

Courage and Determination

“Barbie: Princess Charm School” promotes the message of courage and determination. Blair’s quest to prove her identity and restore justice to the kingdom is filled with challenges that test her bravery and resolve. Her determination to overcome obstacles serves as an inspiration to viewers, teaching them the importance of perseverance.

Justice and Integrity

The film subtly emphasizes the importance of justice and integrity. Blair’s efforts to uncover the truth and stand up against Dame Devin’s deceit highlight the value of honesty and doing what is right.


“Barbie: Princess Charm School” is a delightful addition to the Barbie movie series. With its enchanting storyline, memorable characters, beautiful animation, and captivating music, it offers a wholesome and entertaining experience for viewers of all ages. The film’s positive messages about self-discovery, friendship, courage, and justice make it a valuable watch for young audiences. Whether you are a long-time fan of Barbie movies or new to the series, “Barbie: Princess Charm School” is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is “Barbie: Princess Charm School” suitable for all ages?

Yes, the film is suitable for viewers of all ages. Its wholesome content and positive messages make it a great choice for family viewing.

How long is the movie?

The runtime of “Barbie: Princess Charm School” is approximately 80 minutes.

Who are the main voice actors in the film?

Kelly Sheridan voices Blair Willows, while other notable voice actors include Diana Kaarina as Delancy Devin, Morwenna Banks as Dame Devin, and Nicole Oliver as Grace.

Are there any sequels to “Barbie: Princess Charm School”?

While there are no direct sequels to this film, there are many other movies in the Barbie series that feature similar themes of adventure, self-discovery, and friendship.

Where can I watch “Barbie: Princess Charm School”?

The movie is available on various streaming platforms, DVD, and Blu-ray. Check your preferred streaming service for availability.

What makes “Barbie: Princess Charm School” special?

The film’s unique blend of royalty, magic, and heartfelt storytelling sets it apart. Its emphasis on self-discovery, friendship, courage, and justice, combined with its enchanting visuals and memorable songs, make it a standout entry in the Barbie movie series.

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