Cast a Southern Haunting

Cast of A Southern Haunting: Key Actors and Their Roles Explained

The movie “A Southern Haunting” (2023) has captivated audiences with its gripping tale and talented cast. Directed by M.J. Anderson and T. Huff, the story unfolds after the Civil War, focusing on an ex-slave family who battles both man and myth to uncover the truth behind their land. Key actors include Merle Ackelson, Robert Ackelson, and Donovan Ailton, who bring profound depth to their roles.

Imani Hakim stars as Lula, delivering a powerful performance that resonates with viewers. Father and Mother are portrayed by Tarik Lowe and Naiyah Schaife, respectively. Their portrayals add emotional weight to the film’s tense, historical setting. Laya DeLeon Hayes and Graham Patrick Martin also contribute significantly, enhancing the drama and horror elements of the story.

Gerald Alston, Jaden Newton, and Jelani Talib round out the cast, each adding their unique touch to the film. Christine Weatherup and Fiona underscore the suspense and depth of the narrative, making “A Southern Haunting” a memorable experience. The entire cast’s commitment to their characters ensures that the film leaves a lasting impression.

Cast Overview

The cast of A Southern Haunting (2023) features a range of talented actors, with standout performances in both lead and supporting roles. The film also includes notable cameo appearances from well-known actors.

Lead Roles

Imani Hakim stars as Lula, the eldest child who takes on a caretaker role after their mother leaves. Merle Ackelson and Robert Ackelson play pivotal roles in the family’s struggle to uncover the truth behind their land. Lula’s character is both strong and empathetic, making her a central figure in the narrative. Tarik Lowe plays the father, balancing authority with vulnerability as they face myths and real threats.

Supporting Characters

Laya DeLeon Hayes portrays Hany, adding depth to the family dynamics and bringing youthful resilience to the story. Donovan Ailton and Gerald Alston add complexity as local figures who interact with Lula’s family. Their roles contribute to the community’s broader portrayal, providing important context and tension. Their presence is essential in driving the plot forward, making their interactions with the lead characters both meaningful and memorable.

Cameo Appearances

The film also features brief but impactful appearances from actors known for their previous work in the genre. Jaden Newton makes an appearance, bringing a familiar face to the screen that adds a unique touch to certain key scenes. These cameos, while short, enhance the film’s connection to a wider audience and add an extra layer of interest. By bringing in these notable actors, the film benefitted from a mix of fresh faces and experienced talent.


Production Team

The production team of “A Southern Haunting” includes notable directors, producers, screenwriters, and designers. Their combined efforts shape the overall look and feel of the film.

Director and Producers

“A Southern Haunting” is directed by M.J. Anderson and T. Huff. Their unique vision brings the post-Civil War setting to life, exploring both man and myth. The production features executive producers Jordan Rosner and Gato Scatena who help guide the financial and strategic elements of the film. Jeremy O’Keefe also plays a significant role in the production, ensuring the storyline and atmosphere align with the historical context.


The story of “A Southern Haunting” is crafted by a talented team of screenwriters who dive into the nuances of a post-Civil War era family. Their work focuses on the struggles faced by an ex-slave family as they attempt to uncover the mysteries surrounding their newfound land. This focus on historical accuracy and emotional depth is critical to the film’s impact, making the narrative both engaging and thought-provoking.

Costume and Set Design

Bill Hamilton leads the set design, bringing to life the historical ambiance required for “A Southern Haunting.” His work captures the essence of the era, ensuring that every detail on set adds to the authenticity of the film. The makeup department, including artists like Toriquiesha Bolden, Kii Davis, and Rebekka DuPree, contributes to creating realistic and period-accurate appearances for the characters. Their expertise helps immerse the audience in the film’s eerie and historical atmosphere.

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