The upcoming movie 1992, directed by Ariel Vromen, takes us back to the events of 1992 Los Angeles. The movie story is about a father protecting his son during the ’92 riots. One desperate choice will change their lives forever.
Release Date:
1992 is set to hit theaters on August 30. Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable cinematic experience.
The film features a talented cast, including:
- Scott Eastwood as Riggin Bigby
- Ray Liotta as Lowell
- Dylan Arnold as Dennis
- Tyrese Gibson as Mercer
- Oleg Taktarov as Titus
- Tosin Morohunfola as D-Ville
In the aftermath of the Rodney King verdict, Los Angeles faces violence. Mercer, a struggling father, tries to rebuild his life in the chaos while another father and son plan a dangerous heist. As the city burns, their paths cross, forcing them to confront their own struggles and the devastating consequences of their choices.
Themes and Expectations
1992 is about complex and emotionally charged themes, including racial injustice, police brutality, and the struggle for survival. The film challenges viewers to confront the harsh realities of systemic racism and social inequality.
Given the current social and political climate, with ongoing discussions about racial justice and police reform, 1992 is likely to resonate strongly with audiences. The film’s exploration of these timely themes has the potential to spark important conversations and contribute to the ongoing dialogue about race and justice in America.
Behind the Scenes
The making of 1992 has been a passionate project for the cast and crew. In an interview, director Ariel Vromen, expressed her deep connection to the story and its themes, stating, This film is a labor of love, and I feel a great responsibility to do justice to the experiences of those who lived through the uprising.
The cast has also spoken about the emotional intensity of the project, with lead actor Christopher Jackson describing his role as Kwame King as one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of [his] career.
1992 is poised to be a powerful and impactful film that sheds light on a pivotal moment in American history. With its talented cast, gripping storyline, and timely themes, this movie promises to leave a lasting impression on audiences. As we eagerly await its release on August 30, it’s clear that the film has the potential to be a catalyst for important conversations and a testament to the power of cinema to illuminate the human experience in all its complexity and diversity.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is directing 1992?
Ariel Vromen.
What is the genre of 1992?
It is a drama that explores themes of survival, racial injustice, and social unrest.
Is 1992 based on a true story?
While 1992 is a fictional story, it is set against the real-life events of the 1992 Los Angeles uprising.