A brilliant but emotionally guarded student journeys to Oxford University, where she learns to open up to others and discover her own inner strength and resilience.

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Surprised by Oxford is a biographical drama based on the memoir of the same name by Carolyn Weber. The film tells the story of Weber’s journey to Oxford University, where she went to study English literature on a prestigious scholarship.

Weber was a brilliant student, but she was also emotionally guarded and had difficulty opening up to others. When she arrived in Oxford, she was immediately intimidated by the other students, who came from wealthy and privileged backgrounds. Weber felt like an outsider, and she struggled to make friends.

However, Weber eventually began to open up to her classmates and her professors. She also fell in love with a charming young man named Michael. Through her relationships with Michael and her other friends, Weber began to experience the joy and beauty of life. She also discovered her own inner strength and resilience.

Surprised by Oxford is a story about transformation, hope, and love. It is a film about finding your place in the world and discovering who you are truly meant to be.

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