“Justice League vs. Teen Titans” is a 2016 animated superhero film that brings together two of DC’s most iconic teams. Directed by Sam Liu, this movie is part of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies and serves as a continuation of the shared universe that started with “Justice League: War.” The film is based on teamwork, redemption, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.
The voice cast of “Justice League vs. Teen Titans” features talented individuals that brings the characters to life:
- Jason O’Mara as Batman/Bruce Wayne
- Stuart Allan as Robin/Damian Wayne
- Taissa Farmiga as Raven
- Kari Wahlgren as Starfire
- Sean Maher as Nightwing
- Jake T. Austin as Blue Beetle
- Jerry O’Connell as Superman/Clark Kent
- Rosario Dawson as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
Customer Reviews
Thie movie has garnered mixed reviews from audiences and critics alike. According to a reader, the battle between the Justice League and Teen Titans is brief, lasting only 2-4 minutes, with the main focus on the Titans. A user named Deacons praises the smooth character animation and well-drawn action sequences but notes that the voice acting is only adequate.
On the other hand, Most people finds the film phenomenal despite the mixed reviews it has received. The movie’s strong points include its character development and the dynamic between Robin and the Teen Titans. They succeeded to deliver for what users want or expected from the movie Justice League vs. Teen Titans.
The story kicks off with Damian Wayne, also known as Robin, being sent to join the Teen Titans after his reckless behavior puts a Justice League mission at risk. Once he arrives at Titans Tower, Robin has a tough time fitting in with the team, which includes Starfire, Raven, Blue Beetle, and Beast Boy. Things take a darker turn when Raven’s father, the demonic Trigon, sets out to conquer Earth. The Teen Titans must pull together to stop him, and eventually, the Justice League steps in to help with the fight.
The film mainly centers on Robin trying to find his place with the Teen Titans and Raven’s struggle with her dark, demonic heritage. It all builds up to an epic showdown where both teams have to join forces to stop Trigon from unleashing chaos on the world.
Justice League vs. Teen Titans brings a fresh and exciting chapter to the DC animated universe, combining action with supernatural twists. The movie delivers a fun and engaging experience that showcases the unique dynamics and challenges of both the Justice League and the Teen Titans.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is “Justice League vs. Teen Titans” suitable for children?
The movie is rated PG-13 for some intense sequences of violence and action, thematic elements, and brief language. Parents should consider these factors when deciding if it’s appropriate for younger viewers.
Do I need to watch other DC animated movies before this one?
While it’s not strictly necessary, watching previous films like “Justice League: War” and “Son of Batman” can provide helpful context and enhance your understanding of the characters and their relationships.
How long is the movie?
The runtime of the movie “Justice League vs. Teen Titans” is approximately 78 minutes.
Are there any post-credit scenes?
Yes, there is a post-credit scene that hints at future storylines within the DC animated universe.