Sony WH-CH720N

Sony WH-CH720N Wireless Headphones Review

Imagine you’re settling in for a long commute or escaping into your favorite album at the end of a hectic day—noise cancellation can truly be a game-changer. The Sony WH-CH720N, with its commitment to letting you tune out the world and dive into sound, could be the companion you’re looking for. As someone who juggles calls with music listening, I found the clarity of voice pickup and the convenience of seamless device switching to be standouts among their many features.

It’s not just the promise of immersion that has been pulling me back to these headphones—the comfort of their lightweight design made me almost forget I was wearing them during a long playlist run. They boast a commendable 35-hour battery life, freeing you from the need for constant recharging. However, when you do need a power-up, a brief charge brings a generous hour of playback—a lifesaver when in a pinch.

Yet, everything isn’t perfect. While the noise-cancellation is notable, it may not measure up to the more premium (and pricey) models out there. And if you’re accustomed to extra accessories like a carrying case, you’ll have to make additional purchases, as these aren’t included.

Sony WH-CH720N: Unveiling the Future of Personal Audio

Sony WH-CH720N

Crisp mornings and long commutes have met their match. Your search for the right balance between noise cancellation and comfort could very well end with Sony’s WH-CH720N. Imagine sitting back as the chaos of the outside world fades, courtesy of the Dual Noise Sensor technology and the Integrated Processor V1. It’s not just about silencing the world; it’s about having your music fill the space left behind, pure and undisturbed.

Wearing them for extended periods is a breeze, thanks to their ergonomic, lightweight design—you might even forget they’re on your head. And let’s talk about battery life: With up to 35 hours on a single charge, plus a quick-charge feature that gives you an hour of playback from just a 3-minute plug-in, these headphones ensure your tunes are ready whenever you are.

The crystal-clear calls and voice assistant access through Precise Voice Pickup technology are a testament to Sony’s attention to detail. Switching between devices is seamless too, with a multipoint connection feature that spares you from the usual Bluetooth device dance.

The sound quality they deliver is robust, with technology that enhances your compressed music files for streaming that’s a cut above the rest. While they excel in many areas, these are not the most water-resistant, nor do they come with a carrying case, which could be a setback for the more mobile among you. Despite minor drawbacks, the WH-CH720N strikes a harmonious note between technological advancement and user-centric design, pulling you into a future where personal audio is a gateway to sonic bliss.

Advanced Noise Cancellation Technology

Advanced Noise Cancellation Technology

When you’re seeking peace in a noisy world, the noise cancellation on these headphones is a sanctuary. The Dual Noise Sensor technology harnessed alongside Sony’s Integrated Processor V1 stands out in minimizing ambient sound intrusion. You’ll find these over-ear headphones cocoon your ears not only with silence but with music that’s full, undisturbed, and enriched by well-balanced tuning.

Yet, it’s not just about shutting out the world. With the Adjustable Ambient Sound mode and Adaptive Sound control, your experience is tailored to the environment. You remain aware without being overwhelmed. During a bustling commute or in the quiet of your home, the soundscape adjusts subtly and effectively.

While the noise cancellation is indeed advanced, it might not outperform the industry’s highest benchmarks. Some competitors offer more aggressive noise suppression. But for everyday use, whether you’re on calls or losing yourself in your favorite playlist, these headphones maintain a consistent shield against distractions. The long battery life ensures you’re powered from day into night, immersing you in an auditory experience that’s as seamless as it is serene.

Ergonomic Design for Ultimate Comfort

Ergonomic Design for Ultimate Comfort

When you slip on these headphones, their lightweight structure becomes apparent, contributing to the overall comfort during extended listening sessions. Sony has focused on ensuring that you barely feel the headphones while you’re immersed in your playlist or podcast—perfect for those marathon study sessions or long-haul flights. The padding on the ear cups is soft, cradling your ears without applying undue pressure.

Although opinions on fit can be subjective, the general consensus is that the adjustability accommodates various head sizes well. A few users mentioned a period of adjustment to the fit, which is typical as you find the right positioning for your unique head shape.

If there’s one downside, it’s that these don’t come with a carrying case, which seems like a missed opportunity for such travel-friendly headphones. Still, their durability seems robust enough to withstand the typical rigors of daily commutes or casual use without immediate wear and tear.

In summary, they blend function and comfort, making them a viable option for anyone looking to marry portability with ease of use. With these on your ears, your music can take center stage without the distraction of discomfort.

Exceptional Battery Life and Quick Charging

Exceptional Battery Life and Quick Charging

In the ever-evolving world of wireless audio, staying powered throughout the day is crucial. The Sony WH-CH720N make keeping your tunes playing a breeze with an impressive battery life. Imagine not having to worry about charging your headphones for more than a full day’s worth of activities—the WH-CH720N delivers up to 35 hours of playback. Now, picture if you’ve forgotten to charge them; just a quick 3-minute charge provides a whole hour of playtime, so you’re ready to step out with your soundtrack in almost no time.

This expeditious charging can be a lifesaver when you’re on the go. After all, nobody wants to be tethered to a power outlet for long. Despite the lengthy battery life, experiences may vary depending on usage, so your actual playtime could be less if you’re blasting music at max volume with active noise cancellation turned on. However, if you’re after a reliable set of cans that won’t leave you music-less mid-commute or in the middle of a trip, the WH-CH720N’s endurance won’t disappoint. Enjoy the freedom of extended listening sessions without the nagging thought of your next charge.

High-Quality Sound with DSEE Enhancement

High-Quality Sound with DSEE Enhancement

When you immerse yourself in your favorite tracks with these headphones, the first thing you’ll notice is the crisp and vibrant sound quality. The Digital Sound Enhancement Engine (DSEE) truly works wonders on your music, taking those compressed files and elevating them to a level that can almost be mistaken for high-resolution audio.

While no technology can perfectly recreate the nuances of a live performance, the DSEE in the WH-CH720N comes impressively close, making it a standout feature for anyone who values sonic details. It’s not just about the highs and the lows being clear—it’s about giving a second life to tracks you’ve listened to a hundred times, uncovering subtleties you might have missed before.

There are limitations, of course. The DSEE can’t work miracles on every file, and the auditory enhancement is more noticeable on some tracks than others. But overall, it breathes new life into your music and can offer a refreshing listening experience. Whether you’re chilling at home or out and about, the sound quality holds up, maintaining that fine balance without any artificial boosting or distortion. Enjoy your playlist anew, as this technology adds depth and richness to your everyday listening.

Smart Connectivity Features

Smart Connectivity Features

When you’re on the move, how your headphones connect to your devices is as important as their sound quality. The Sony WH-CH720N makes this process seamless. With the latest Bluetooth 5.0, pairing is swift and stable, ensuring a reliable connection without the hassle of frequent dropouts. Whether you’re streaming your favorite podcast on a busy street or taking a conference call in a noisy cafe, these headphones remain unfazed.

A standout smart feature is their ability to toggle between two devices effortlessly. You can watch a video on your tablet and take a call on your phone without the need to manually switch connections. It’s like having an intelligent assistant ensuring you’re always in sync with your tech ecosystem.

And then there’s Alexa—your voice-activated ally. Request tunes, ask for the weather, or manage your day, all hands-free. The precise voice pickup ensures Alexa hears you clearly over any background noise. It’s convenient for those times when you’d rather not reach for your phone.

Flexibility and intuitiveness are at the core of the Sony WH-CH720N’s connectivity. The tech within works quietly behind the scenes, making your listening experience as smooth as your favorite track.

Pros and Cons


  • After spending quality time with the Sony WH-CH720N, it’s clear they stand out in the crowded market of wireless headphones.
  • They feature Sony’s Integrated Processor V1, providing a remarkable noise-canceling experience that allows you to dive deep into your music without external disturbances.
  • Moreover, these headphones boast an impressive battery life up to 35 hours on a single charge, ideal for long trips or extended listening sessions, with the added bonus of quick charging capabilities.
  • Comfort is a critical aspect of over-the-ear headphones, and the WH-CH720N doesn’t disappoint.
  • They are significantly lightweight and the comfort level is high, making them suitable for prolonged use.
  • I appreciate the convenience of their Multipoint connection, which seamlessly transitions between two devices.
  • This is especially handy if you’re someone who switches from a phone to a laptop or tablet frequently.
  • The Adaptive Sound control is a smart addition, automatically adjusting the sound based on your environment.
  • Sony’s commitment to sound quality shines with these headphones—the DSEE feature does a notable job at enhancing compressed music files, granting a richer listening experience.
  • Also, if you rely on hands-free calling, the Precise Voice Pickup technology ensures crystal clear calls.


  • However, these headphones are not without their drawbacks.
  • For starters, some users have reported comfort to be “hit or miss,” indicating that the fit may not work equally well for everyone.
  • This can be a significant issue for those sensitive to how headphones rest on their ears or head.
  • A downside noted by users is the absence of a carry case, which is fairly surprising and disappointing for a product of this caliber.
  • If you tend to carry your headphones around, this means procuring a separate case to protect your investment.
  • As for the noise cancellation, while effective, some users have mentioned it’s not the best on the market.
  • This might be a consideration if top-tier noise cancellation is your priority.
  • Lastly, while the price point is generally regarded as reasonable, a few users have mentioned that while the headphones are a great deal at a discounted price, they may hesitate to pay the full retail amount.
  • This points to a perceived gap in value, which can influence purchasing decisions.

Impressions from Real Users

After spending a couple of months with the Sony WH-CH720N headphones, your opinion might evolve, especially regarding their comfort. You might find them to be occasionally snug yet manageable during extended use. You’re likely not alone if you’ve been on the lookout for reliable Bluetooth headphones. Users have expressed satisfaction with the Sony set, particularly praising their effectiveness for music lovers and commuters.

Although the noise cancellation feature hasn’t wowed everyone, it’s generally been considered more than adequate for most environments. If you managed to score these headphones during a sale, you’re likely feeling appreciative of the value for money. It’s worth noting, however, that some have mentioned the absence of a carry case, which might have tempered their enthusiasm slightly. Yet, the general consensus suggests that you’ll enjoy the adaptive audio capabilities and find these headphones comfortable to your ears.

Product Specifications

  • Lightest Wireless Headband Ever
  • Noise Canceling
  • Super comfortable
  • Lightweight Design
  • Adjustable Ambient Sound
  • Up to 35-hour battery life
  • High sound quality


After weeks of personal use, the Sony WH-CH720N stands out in several ways. While the comfort may be variable, they’re generally pleasant to wear for extended periods. Your experience of the noise-canceling headphones feature might not be industry-leading, yet it does a fair job of tuning out the world. It’s clear that the manufacturers designed these headphones with music aficionados in mind, as the sound quality does not disappoint.

But it’s not all perfect. If portability is high on your list, take note of the absence of a carry case—a slight inconvenience considering the convenience of the wireless design. And, while they shine during daily commutes and work well at keeping distractions at bay, their value truly shines when snagged on a sale rather than at full price.

You’ll appreciate their functional elegance, especially for their price range. They might not outperform every competitor on the market, but they’re a solid choice for those seeking a reputable brand without breaking the bank.

Frequently Asked Questions

What features distinguish the WH-CH720N from other headphones in its price range?

The WH-CH720N stands out with its blend of lightweight design, advanced noise-canceling via Sony’s Integrated Processor V1, and personalized sound control settings. Typically, in this price range, features like adaptive sound control and multipoint connections are reserved for higher-end models, but this pair brings them to you at a more wallet-friendly price.

Can the battery life of the WH-CH720N support long periods of use?

Yes, the WH-CH720N boasts up to 35 hours of battery life, which is substantial for wireless headphones. The quick charge feature is also impressive—just a 3-minute charge can give you an hour of playback, making it ideal for those on the go.

How does the sound quality of the WH-CH720N compare to other Sony models?

Sony’s signature quality sound is evident in the WH-CH720N, with well-balanced tuning that provides a high-fidelity listening experience. Compared to other Sony models within its tier, the WH-CH720N holds its own, especially with features like DSEE (Digital Sound Enhancement Engine) that uplifts the quality of compressed music files.

Are there any notable advancements in noise cancellation technology in the WH-CH720N?

Indeed, the WH-CH720N features what could be considered one of the most efficient noise cancellation technologies at this price point. The Integrated Processor V1 takes noise canceling up a notch, offering a more immersive experience and effectively reducing ambient noise.

How comfortable is the WH-CH720N for extended wear?

The WH-CH720N, recognized for its extremely lightweight design, provides comfort even during extended listening sessions. The ergonomic design minimizes pressure on the ears and the head, which is particularly noticeable after several hours of wear. Its comfort factor has frequently been highlighted as a positive aspect by users.

What has been the user feedback on the durability of the WH-CH720N?

Users have generally reported satisfaction with the durability of the WH-CH720N. The headphone construction strikes a balance between being lightweight for comfort and sturdy enough to withstand regular use. However, as with any electronic device, proper care and handling can play a significant role in its long-term durability.

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